Monday, 8 February 2016

Tips to Click Majestic Mountains!

Mountains are indubitably the troves of treasure which are explored to the hilt, whether for hiking, camping, snowboarding, photographing, or just sitting there soaking in the view. Mountains make you feel more alive and inspire than any other kind of landscape. The sweeping vistas full of rugged peaks as seen from high vantage points, preferably splashed in rich sunrise or sunset light, makes mountains the reason why most people venture up a mountain in the first place.

Nishan Kohli, a renowned photographer, is telling about how to photograph landscapes of alluring mountains by keeping creativity intact.
  • When photographing a grand landscape, the foremost thing is the landscape itself! The place. The location. Finding your own spot is the first step in the creative landscape photography process. Discover places that haven’t been clicked before and choose compositions that haven’t been chosen before.
  • When talking about finding your own locations, it doesn’t have to be a place that nobody has ever been before; after all the entire planet is more or less thoroughly explored and photographed by now. What meant here is to do your own research, come up with your own ideas and then pursue those ideas.
  • The next step is to seek that “special something”. Any striking landscape photo needs to have something special going on – something out of the ordinary. A splash of sunlight beaming through the clouds or trees. Foggy mist swirling around the peaks. A perfect reflection that adds symmetry to the composition. Things like this add that extra spice to an image and set it apart from a regular snapshot. They elevate a scene into more than just a static landscape, but a unique slice of time – an event in nature.
  • Framing the shot is without doubt the most hands-on, actively creative part of photography. Shooting grand landscapes is a somewhat traditional affair and it gets difficult to get wildly creative; after all, the subject is the landscape in front of you and you have to take what is given to you – you don’t have full control over the possibilities. That said you still have an immense amount of control over how you choose to present the landscape.
Creativity with grand scenic photography goes beyond just framing and taking the photos; it involves the entire process involving researching unique locations, coming up with original ideas to shoot and the adventures to get to the right place at the right time.